Find a place to belong.
At South Wagga Anglican Church we believe that the Christian life is one best lived in community with others.
Mainly Music
Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10am
Our Mainly Music program is an interactive and tactile musical engagement for both parents/carers and bubs/toddlers aged from 0-5 years. We meet on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 10:00am-11:30am at St Paul’s Turvey Park. This program provides a great space for connection between parents/carers and their children as well as with other parents/caregivers. There is a small cost and morning tea is provided for both children and parents.
The Chain Gang
Wednesdays 8:30am
The Chain Gang is our men’s shed who meet together on Wednesday mornings. Their work involves specific community projects, church related projects as well as general upkeep. Chain Gang always share morning tea together and a short devotion around the Christian gospel.
Generation Kids
Fridays 4:00pm
Generation Kids is our fast growing Friday afternoon program for school aged kids in years K-5. Every Friday is packed with fun, activities, afternoon tea and a bible talk. We meet at St Paul's Turvey Park, and are passionate about connecting our young people to God and each other. Join us from 4:00-5:30pm each Friday!
Generation Youth
Fridays 6:00pm
This is our weekly youth gathering for students in years 6 to 12. Generation Youth is on every Friday of the school term from 6:00-8:00pm. A typical night includes activities, supper, a good game of dodgeball and 'Growth Groups'- small groups where our youth can wrestle with God's plan and purpose for them. We also host Community Dinner on Fridays from 5:30-6:00pm. This is a space where all are welcome to come and grab an easy meal ($5pp- or a discounted $3 for youth and kids participating in programs) and connect with other members of our community. Find us on Facebook or Tik Tok for more information
Generation YA
Tuesdays & Sundays
Generation YA (Young Adults) is great place for uni students and school leavers to plug into a faith community. Connect with us through one of our weekly programs.
Bible Study Our YA Bible Study meets every Tuesday evening at 7pm. It is great place to learn more about the Bible, pray and encourage one another. Get in contact with our church office or YA Minister, Amanda, for more info.​
Sunday Evening 5pm Service is the best place for YA's to finish their week with relevant bible teaching and dinner after the service​
YA Events Once a month our YA's get together for games, food & community. It's the perfect place to invite a friend!
Bible Study
We meet in small groups throughout the week either in homes or at our church buildings in order to connect people to one another and their Christian faith. Typically these groups go for about 2 hours and follow a pattern of Bible study, prayer and friendship. Get in contact with us and find a group that you can connect to.
Women's Ministry
The women of South Wagga Anglican Church meet together in a range of informal and formal ways to build community and provide a place for people to come to know Christ. Each week there are a number of ministry programs available:
Mainly Music is for parent and pre-schoolers and meets Tuesdays & Wednesday’s at 10am during term time at St Paul’s Turvey Park.
The Purlers Knitting Group is always welcome to newcomers and meets Wednesday 1:30pm at St. Paul’s Turvey Park.
Ladies Link offer a place of friendship and faith-building and meets on the 2nd Friday of each month at St Paul’s Turvey Park.
The Ladies Coffee Club is a place of friendship and meets on the 4th Friday of each month at the RSL Club in Wagga Wagga.
Men's Ministry
The vision of SWAC men‘s ministry is to see the men of our church growing in community, fellowship and discipleship. SWAC Men is an inclusive ministry in which men of all age groups and life stages are able to encourage each other as we journey together on our Christian walk. We want to connect with our city as we share the good news of Jesus Christ. Our regular ministries include:
The Chain Gang is a men’s shed that meet together on each Wednesday morning at St. Paul’s.
Bible study and prayer groups where men are able to grow and encourage one another.
The Inter-Church Men’s Breakfast runs monthly (second Saturday of the month from 7:30am-9:00am) and is held at various churches around Wagga.